Utilyze the power of intuition

Intuition is a subconscious form of decision-making. It's an innate human ability that employs knowledge, experiences, and emotions to induce quick, gut-level insights. They can happen with little analytical thought.

But when it comes to making decisions, is data more reliable?

Not necessarily. Intuition isn’t perfect, but using it in conjunction with data or intellect can have surprisingly accurate outcomes. It also fosters creativity and reduces the cognitive load, freeing mental energy for other tasks. In fact, in 'Intuition Over Resume Debate,' Talent Acquisition Architect Sam Smith says that it's now being utilized in company hiring processes.

There is such a thing as too many choices.

Having too many options can lead to decision paralysis and increased stress. When we’re faced with an overwhelming number of options, it can be difficult to choose. But when we look at the data and then employ our gut feeling, chances are we’ll make quicker, better choices.

Try it with a few minor decisions and start building your intuitive muscle.

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